Thursday, September 12, 2024

Attachment - Consumption Taxes

Subtraction Value-Added Tax (S-VAT). Corporate income taxes and collection of business and farm income taxes will be replaced by this tax, which is an employer paid Net Business Receipts Tax. S-VAT is a vehicle for tax benefits, including

  • Health insurance or direct care, including veterans' health care for non-battlefield injuries and long term care. 
  • Employer paid educational costs in lieu of taxes are provided as either employee-directed contributions to the public or private unionized school of their choice or direct tuition payments for employee children or for workers (including ESL and remedial skills). Wages will be paid to students to meet opportunity costs.  
  • Most importantly, a refundable child tax credit at median income levels (with inflation adjustments)  distributed with pay. 

Subsistence level benefits force the poor into servile labor. Wages and benefits must be high enough to provide justice and human dignity. This allows the ending of state administered subsidy programs and discourages abortions, and as such enactment must be scored as a must pass in voting rankings by pro-life organizations (and feminist organizations as well). To assure child subsidies are distributed, S-VAT will not be border adjustable.

Higher tiers of the subtraction VAT would collect taxes on salaries with a 6.5% rate on income over $85,000, with increments of that amount to a top rate of 26% starting at $340,000 in salaried income. Salary surtaxes, with an option to purchase tax prepayment bonds, would start at $425,000 at 6.5% to a top rate of 26% starting at $680,000. Employers could also be given the option to buy tax prepayment bonds - which could be marketable.

Taxation of dividends will be included in surtaxes to the Subtraction VAT for payments over $85,000 in taxes plus dividends in a given year, however individual filing for wage. dividend and interest income under $425,000 will not be required. Again, the capital gains tax will be abolished.

Video Three: Subtraction value added taxes (net business receipts)

Credit Invoice Value-Added Tax (CI-VAT). Border adjustable taxes will appear on purchase invoices. The rate varies according to what is being financed. If Medicare for All does not contain offsets for employers who fund their own medical personnel or for personal retirement accounts, both of which would otherwise be funded by an S-VAT, then they would be funded by the I-VAT to take advantage of border adjustability. 

CI-VAT forces everyone, from the working poor to the beneficiaries of inherited wealth, to pay taxes and share in the cost of government. As part of enactment, gross wages will be reduced to take into account the shift to S-VAT and CI-VAT, however net income will be increased by the same percentage as the CI-VAT. Inherited assets will be taxed under A-VAT when sold. Any inherited cash, or funds borrowed against the value of shares, will face the CI-VAT when sold or the A-VAT if invested.

Carbon Added Tax (C-AT). A Carbon tax with receipt visibility, which allows comparison shopping based on carbon content, even if it means a more expensive item with lower carbon is purchased. C-AT would also replace fuel taxes. It will fund transportation costs, including mass transit, and research into alternative fuels. This tax would not be border adjustable unless it is in other nations, however in this case the imposition of this tax at the border will be noted, with the U.S. tax applied to the overseas base. 

Video Four: (Credit) Invoice value added (Goods and Services) taxes and carbon added taxes 


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