Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Values Choices for the Parties

Eugene Robinson writes today about the quandry the Republicans are in over the Foley scandal and how it is revealing the pressence of "gasp" gays and lesbians in their membership and on their staffs. He wonders if the Republicans can explain the reality of the situation to their conservative voters or abandon what could be a teaching moment in favor of a gay purge.

One could get the impression that all Christians are conservatives. That is not the case. There is a Christian Left, some of whom are politically liberal and others who are doctrinally so and who might even be politically moderate, since they are definitely to the right of the secular left.

As much at fault has been the Democratic Party's recent predeliction for secularism (even though in reality the Reagans were secularists and the Clintons weekly attenders at services). Even looking at conventions, one must note that gospel choirs and singers are as apt to entertain at the Democratic Convention as the Republican. Of course, beyond the facade, the noisiest of activists in the Democratic Party are secularists. If they are unwilling to share the microphone, people of faith who are not Republican are going to look elsewhere. Our hope is that they will look here.


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