Sunday, June 24, 2007

The Human Rights Party

Of late, I have been corresponding with Dr. Carl Milsted, who is one of the cofounders of the Libertarian Reform Caucus. He has quite given up on the Libertarian Party and is about to endeavor to start a new majority party which maximize the values of equality and liberty. In terms of the Cultural Theory, he seeks the ground which used to be called "American Exceptionalism. He proposes calling this party the Human Rights Party, although someone in Michigan may have beaten him to the punch, although that party is now defunct.

He is not seeking cofounders, although eventually he will have to. Readers of this blog, who are few in number, know that I have been endeavoring to do the same thing. Eventually, he will come to the conclusion that no one individual starts a party. Eventually you have to invite people to join and when he does, I will. Here is his business plan.

Readers of this blog and the associated website will be interested in what Carl has to say about a variety of topics on his Holistic Politics page.

Check out the sites


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