Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Celebrating Fathers and Families: Federal Support for Responsible Fatherhood

Subcommittee on Worker and Family Support,  June 11, 2019

These comments include our a portion of our comments to the subcommittee from March of this year and September 2017 and May 2016, as well as  new tax reform proposals. We addressed the need for both a higher minimum wage and the need to advance employee ownership for all workers, including fathers and mothers. We would never ignore these factors.

At the outset, we must recognize that some fathers face major league pitchers while others are born on third base. Add bad inner city schools and endemic racism, including and especially in the criminal justice system, which sends black men to jail while white middle class men get treatment and you can see why many men distrust the government as a solution to their problems.

It is time to quit criminalizing disease and using prosecutorial discretion to punish low level dealers into cooperation. Legalization will end the ability to traffic in substances that could be sold openly, although for the hardest drugs, hospitalization for abuse should be mandatory and require long-term treatment, not just detoxification. Men with mental health conditions are also more likely to be jailed then helped. It is time for that to stop, which will take less money but better management.

Many men, young and old, have applied for jobs and have been denied. Hiring managers are, therefore, the first line of examination as to whether an unemployed worker, men of color or ex-convicts are able to find work, regardless of any legal protections designed to protect their employment rights. These protections must be strengthened with criminal penalties. Maybe that will cause a paradigm shift on who gets hired.

A key factor in keeping wages low is decades of tax policy designed to control inflation, bust unions and increase the salaries of the donor class. A key part of our agenda is to increase income tax revenue from the very wealthy through income taxes and an asset value added tax.  The higher the marginal tax rate goes, the less likely that CEOs will go after worker wages in the guise of productivity while pocketing the gains for themselves.


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