Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Health Modernization

WM Health:  Modernizing American Health Care: Creating Healthy Options and Better Incentives,  February 11, 2025

The healthiest option is for employee-owned companies to train and hire their own doctors, as well as providing their own grocery supply chain without subsidies from the kind of food companies that the new Secretary of Health and Human Services is now targeting. We applaud this effort.

Until employee-owned firms expand their scope, this movement is too slow for immediate benefits. This leaves us with health care reform - the main options being single payer systems such as Medicaid for All and the expanded Public Option that was considered but rejected more than fifteen years ago. 

Poverty is the biggest cause of bad health. As we have stated before, the best avenues out of poverty for families is a higher child tax credit. The current credit, which is temporary, should be doubled or tripled as part of the next round of tax reform. With a higher minimum wage (which should be paid for those underserved by the education system to meet their opportunity costs for engaging in remedial education instead of low wage work, welfare or illegal activity), people will be able to afford better food choices.

Adding family sick leave assures that people can get care for their children during normal work hours. This saves society money in the short and long terms. Because marginal firms may not be able to afford this benefit, it should be provided as a subsidy to them as part of the enactment of an employer paid subtraction VAT.

Attachment: Single Payer
Attachment: Tax Reform Videos included


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