Impeach Bush, Cheney and Company
No one is above the law. Of course, the question of holding the President to the law is more complicated. There have been calls to impeach the President from the left. However, currently the Democrats don't have the votes and given their tacit approval of the war in Iraq, it doesn't look like that if they had the votes they would use them.
It is time for a new party to emerge with the political will to do what justice and decency demand. One would think this unlikely except for one thing. The nation is full of people like me who don't particularly like the war and who don't particularly belong with either of the two major parties. We are the mushy middle on Abortion. We don't want the procedure banned, but we don't like it either. We want a break to send our kids to private Catholic school, but we don't feel that our taxes need to be cut to do it. We don't think our nation's drug laws are working. We are neither democrat nor republican, but something new.
I have settled on the name Christian Libertarian. If you believe as I do, but think another name is apt, please suggest it, by all means. Before you say Christian Democrat, in Europe they ban abortion and support the war, so this seems like it has too much baggage.
The name is not as important as the candidates, however. As a party we are seeking 435 congressional candidates and 33 senatorial candidates. If we can win a significant number of races we throw the leadership in doubt and can begin to cobble together a coalition - or even convert some members, particularly Senators, in order to enact our program and to most especially - IMPEACH BUSH AND CHENEY!