Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hearing on State TANF Spending and Its Impact on Work Requirements

Comments for the Record
United States House of Representatives
Committee on Ways and Means
Subcommittee on Human Resources

Hearing on State TANF Spending and Its Impact on Work Requirements
Thursday, May 17, 2012, 2:00 PM

By Michael G. Bindner
Center for Fiscal Equity

Chairman Davis and Ranking Member Doggett, thank you for the opportunity to submit comments on these issues. Sadly, the Center believes that welfare reform has worked exactly as intended in far too many cases and it is only recent reforms which have mitigated the harm done to marginally skilled families. The current law is in drastic need of reform, although we do not expect the current majority to propose those reforms which would actually improve the lives of our nation’s economically marginal families.

The goal of using welfare reform to cut case loads and reduce budgets has led some states to cherry pick TANF participants, directing families in more need of assistance to the Social Security Disability program or other forms of assistance. This helps no one escape long term poverty. Further, lifetime benefit limits have pushed poorer women to use abortion services to preserve the economic health of their families. Poor women have been chosen to sacrifice their children for subsistence, just as ancient Israelites sacrificed their children to Baal for a good harvest. We can do better.

The work opportunities available to most TANF participants can easily be described as low wage work and, without significant resources in human development, are likely dead-end jobs. Such jobs often receive tax subsidies, such as the Earned Income Tax Credit and the payroll tax holiday. One must look askance at any programs which transfer the responsibility for providing adequate wages from the employer and the consumer to the taxpayer.

The former Making Work Pay tax credit and the payroll tax holiday subsidize low wage labor where the preferred option would be a higher minimum wage, forcing employers and ultimately consumers to pay for the services they receive. Minimum wage laws are necessary because they level the playing field so that employers cannot initiate a “race to the bottom” by allowing workers to compete against each other to offer ever lower wages, often leaving families in the impossible position of having to bid well below what would otherwise be a reasonable standard of living in order to survive.

Increases to minimum wages and benefits, such as mandatory sick leave are, by far, the best incentive to get people to work. Mandatory sick leave would also help the prospects of health care reform, as parents would no longer be forced to resort to emergency room care because the doctor’s office is closed during working hours, thus decreasing costs for all.

Another area that will help make work more attractive is income support for families. Such support addresses real market failure in the employment market. It is entirely appropriate to use tax benefits to assure that all families receive a decent wage.

The United States Department of Agriculture estimates that it should cost $1,000 per month per child to provide a decent level of subsistence. The federal government could easily guarantee half of this amount using tax reform, with states providing the other half with coordinated tax benefits.

This credit would replace the earned income tax credit, the exemption for children, the current child tax credit, the mortgage interest deduction and the property tax deduction. This will lead employers to decrease base wages generally so that the average family with children and at an average income level would see no change in wage, while wages would go up for lower income families with more children and down for high income earners without children.

This shift in tax benefits is entirely paid for and it would not decrease the support provided in the tax code to the housing sector – although it would change the mix of support provided because the need for larger housing is the largest expense faced by growing families. Indeed, this reform will likely increase support for the housing sector, as there is some doubt in the community of tax analysts as to whether the home mortgage deduction impacted the purchase of housing, including second homes, by wealthier taxpayers.

One major obstacle in getting TANF recipients into the working world is the quality of skills they bring to the table. Indeed, a recent survey of the vocabulary of TANF recipients in public housing puts it below the level of the average seven year old. Not seventh grader, seven year old.

State based efforts to move TANF participants to a level of basic – or even advanced literacy – should be applauded. Indeed, provisions to not only provide remedial education to all who require it should be a mandatory part of TANF reform, not just in states that chose to.
Literacy training must also be provided to fathers if required. Indeed, to facilitate this, the restriction on benefits to intact families must be abolished. Furthermore, compensation for this training should be as rewarding as work, so participation should be compensated at the minimum wage.
In addition to the wage, participants should also receive the same Child Tax Credit as those who work, as well as the same level of health insurance, which could be offered to them as if they were employees of the education provider – thus ending the second class care they receive through the Medicaid program, as well as the need to pay benefits through large, yet underfunded, social welfare bureaucracies at the state level. Public housing should be replaced with residential training programs for both parents and children.
Program participants must be treated as adults. If they are, they can be expected to behave as such. All too often, the fiscal, welfare and immigration policy of the United States seems designed to provide a pool of low wage workers for the food service industry – from the field to the fast food counter. While these jobs may provide some degree of upward mobility, at times they are akin to slavery.

In the 21st Century, we can do better than that. If some products cannot be produced without what amounts to subsistence wages, than perhaps those products should not be produced at all, either at home or abroad. It should not, indeed it must not, be the policy of the United States Government to shield consumers from paying decent wages to those who feed us.

Establishing a decent level of income through paid remedial training, increased minimum wages and increased family support through an enhanced refundable child tax credit will also reduce the need for poor families to resort to abortion services in the event of an unplanned pregnancy.

Indeed, if state governments were to follow suit in increasing child tax benefits as part of coordinated tax reform, most family planning activities would be to increase, rather than prevent, pregnancy. It is my hope that this fact is not lost on the Pro-Life Community, who should score support for this plan as an essential vote in maintaining a perfect pro-life voter rating.

The Center for Fiscal Equity applauds any state which uses excess MOE credits to provide decent income and training to participants without requiring that they work in substandard jobs. We challenge those who support the current law to produce any success stories of workers who started in low wage jobs through TANF and have now entered the middle class. We expect that there are less such stories than the number of children aborted due to life-time benefit limits under this program.

Thank you again for the opportunity to present our comments. We are always available to members, staff and the general public to discuss these issues.

The Social Security Administration: Is it Meeting its Responsibilities to Save Taxpayer Dollars and Serve the Public?

Comments for the Record

United States Senate Committee on Finance
The Social Security Administration: Is it Meeting its Responsibilities to Save Taxpayer Dollars and Serve the Public?
Thursday, May 17, 2012, 10:00 AM
215 Dirksen Senate Office Building

By Michael Bindner
Center for Fiscal Equity

Chairman Baucus and Ranking Member Hatch, thank you for the opportunity to address this topic.  In our view, there are two ways of looking at this issue.  One is using the standard oversight model and the other is to look at whether things can be better.

Under the standard model, we need only ask whether costs are under control and whether benefit checks are delivered accurately and promptly.  If there were problems in this area, they would both be in the news and we would hear about them anecdotally from constituents and family members.  Aside from the odd mistake about being declared dead, which grabs headlines, the system is regarded as quite reliable.

The second question is more interesting.  How can the system be improved?  To some extent, the questions of saving taxpayer dollars and serving the public are contradictory.  Ending the entitlement to benefits for all who are eligible, or in some way limiting it, will certainly save taxpayer dollars, however that may not serve the public interest.  If the vast majority of beneficiaries are made worse off because inflation adjustments are less generous, this will be a drag on the economy and force more family support.  We find it hard to believe that this would be in the public interest. 

Neither would means testing benefits be seen in this light, as creating the perception that benefits are welfare will have some beneficiaries forgo benefits, even if they cannot afford to do so.  If excess benefits are paid to those who do not need them because of wealth, the best way to attack this problem is through the tax system, possibly by allowing wealthier beneficiaries to increase tax withholding to 100% and have the proceeds go toward the program rather than the general fund.

Any discussion of reform also leads to the question of personal accounts in Social Security.  Had the proposed solution of President Bush’s Commission to Save Social Security been enacted, the impact of the Great Recession on retirees would have been devastating, especially in the immediate aftermath of Congress yielding to popular pressure and voting against the TARP, which saw the largest one-day decline in wealthy in American history.  Oddly, many of those who would have been most affected would have been those who called for the TARP to fail.  Be that as it may, it was the perfect lesson on why the Bush proposals were unworkable.

The Center for Fiscal Equity, under its previous name, the Iowa Center for Fiscal Equity, submitted an alternative plan for personal accounts.  Unlike the Administration proposals, it would have muted the crash in two ways, had it been fully implemented in 2008.  While this itself is an impossibility, because full implementation takes decades, the possible effects on the future should not be discounted.  Under our plan, Old Age and Survivors Insurance revenues would not be diverted to Wall Street, but instead would be invested in the employee’s own workplace.  At full implementation, not only would most firms be employee-owned and therefore not in the market, but they would also take over most financial services for their employees, from mortgage finance to consumer loans.  In contrast to the securitization and speculation which caused the financial crisis of 2008, which we are still suffering from, Wall Street itself would have faded away and there would be no market for subprime mortgages, as there would be no subprime jobs.

The Center has updated its proposals from the Bush era and placed them in the context of comprehensive tax reform.  As you know, our reform occurs in four parts:

  •             A Value Added Tax (VAT) to fund domestic military spending and domestic discretionary spending with a rate between 10% and 13%, which makes sure very American pays something.
  •            Personal income surtaxes on joint and widowed filers with net annual incomes of $100,000 and single filers earning $50,000 per year to fund net interest payments, debt retirement and overseas and strategic military spending and other international spending, with graduated rates between 5% and 25% in either 5% or 10% increments.  Heirs would also pay taxes on distributions from estates, but not the assets themselves, with distributions from sales to a qualified ESOP continuing to be exempt.  
  •        Employee contributions to Old Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) with a lower income cap, which allows for lower payment levels to wealthier retirees without making bend points more progressive.
  •       A VAT-like Net Business Receipts Tax (NBRT), which is essentially a subtraction VAT with additional tax expenditures for family support,  health care and the private delivery of governmental services, to fund entitlement spending and replace income tax filing for most people (including people who file without paying), the corporate income tax, business tax filing through individual income taxes and the employer contribution to OASI, all payroll taxes for hospital insurance, disability insurance, unemployment insurance and survivors under age 60. 

One of the most oft-cited reforms for dealing with the long term deficit in Social Security is increasing the income cap to cover more income while increasing bend points in the calculation of benefits, the taxability of Social Security benefits or even means testing all benefits, in order to actually increase revenue rather than simply making the program more generous to higher income earners.  Lowering the income cap on employee contributions, while eliminating it from employer contributions and crediting the employer contribution equally removes the need for any kind of bend points at all, while the increased floor for filing the income surtax effectively removes this income from taxation.  Means testing all payments is not advisable given the movement of retirement income to defined contribution programs, which may collapse with the stock market – making some basic benefit essential to everyone.

Moving the majority of Old Age and Survivors Tax collection to a consumption tax, such as the NBRT, effectively expands the tax base to collect both wage and non-wage income while removing the cap from that income.  This allows for a lower tax rate than would otherwise be possible while also increasing the basic benefit so that Medicare Part B and Part D premiums may also be increased without decreasing the income to beneficiaries. 

If personal accounts are added to the system, a higher rate could be collected, however recent economic history shows that such investments are better made in insured employer voting stock rather than in unaccountable index funds, which give the Wall Street Quants too much power over the economy while further insulating ownership from management.  Too much separation gives CEOs a free hand to divert income from shareholders to their own compensation through cronyism in compensation committees, as well as giving them an incentive to cut labor costs more than the economy can sustain for purposes of consumption in order to realize even greater bonuses.  Employee-ownership ends the incentive to enact job-killing tax cuts on dividends and capital gains, which leads to an unsustainable demand for credit and money supply growth and eventually to economic collapse similar to the one most recently experienced.

As we wrote in the January 2003 issue of Labor and Corporate Governance, we would equalize the employer contribution based on average income rather than personal income. A major strength of Social Security is its income redistribution function. We suspect that much of the support for personal accounts is to subvert that function – so any proposal for such accounts must move redistribution to account accumulation by equalizing the employer contribution.

In the unlikely even that personal accounts find consensus, we propose directing personal account investments to employer voting stock, rather than an index funds or any fund managed by outside brokers. There are no Index Fund billionaires (except those who operate them). People become rich by owning and controlling their own companies. Additionally, keeping funds in-house is the cheapest option administratively. I suspect it is even cheaper than the Social Security system – which operates at a much lower administrative cost than any defined contribution plan in existence.

Safety is, of course, a concern with personal accounts. Rather than diversifying through investment, however, I propose diversifying through insurance. A portion of the employer stock purchased would be traded to an insurance fund holding shares from all such employers. Additionally, any personal retirement accounts shifted from employee payroll taxes or from payroll taxes from non-corporate employers would go to this fund.

The insurance fund will save as a safeguard against bad management. If a third of shares were held by the insurance fund than dissident employees holding 25.1% of the employee-held shares (16.7% of the total) could combine with the insurance fund held shares to fire management if the insurance fund agreed there was cause to do so. Such a fund would make sure no one loses money should their employer fail and would serve as a sword of Damocles’ to keep management in line. This is in contrast to the Cato/ PCSSS approach, which would continue the trend of management accountable to no one. The other part of my proposal that does so is representative voting by occupation on corporate boards, with either professional or union personnel providing such representation.

The suggestions made here are much less complicated than the current mix of proposals to change bend points and make OASI more of a needs based program. If the personal account provisions are adopted, there is no need to address the question of the retirement age. Workers will retire when their dividend income is adequate to meet their retirement income needs, with or even without a separate Social Security program.

No other proposal for personal retirement accounts is appropriate. Personal accounts should not be used to develop a new income stream for investment advisors and stock traders. It should certainly not result in more “trust fund socialism” with management that is accountable to no cause but short term gain. Such management often ignores the long-term interests of American workers and leaves CEOs both over-paid and unaccountable to anyone but themselves.

Progressives should not run away from proposals to enact personal accounts. If the proposals above are used as conditions for enactment, I suspect that they won’t have to. The investment sector will run away from them instead and will mobilize their constituency against them. Let us hope that by then workers become invested in the possibilities of reform.  Indeed, real reform is only possible if workers become more radicalized to the possibilities of workplace ownership and democracy.

The bargain struck in the Roosevelt era to allow capitalism to exist in exchange for moving workers into the middle class. As that bargain has been abandoned on one side, there is no reason for workers not to pick up old demands for workplace democracy. Indeed, it is essential that they do so in order to quit losing ground.

Social Security was part of a new social compact which, along with very high marginal tax rates and partnership with organized labor, built the middle class while keeping corporate capitalism in place. In a very real way, these programs were a reaction to not only the Great Depression, but a preventative to a very real movement toward more direct employee control and ownership of the workplace by the union movement. The passage of Taft-Hartley Act restrictions on concentrated ownership of the workplace were set in place as much to protect management from being swept away as they were a desire to diversify pension assets to protect workers.

This social context is important to understanding options for the future of Social Security.  In the early 1980s, Social Security was close to having to draw from the General Fund. Ronald Reagan’s conservatism was ascendant, with recently passed income tax cuts being phased in over a three year period and a beginning of the end of the bargain with the union movement to maintain labor peace in exchange for not pushing for a larger ownership share. Indeed, for all practical purposes, labor had become de-radicalized over time. It had moved to seeking to preserve benefit levels rather than advancing the interests of workers into the management suite.

In this context, a new grand bargain was created to save Social Security. Payroll taxes were increased to build up a Trust Fund for the retirement of the Baby Boom generation. The building of this allowed the government to use these revenues to finance current operations, allowing the President and his allies in Congress to honor their commitment to preserving the last increment of his signature tax cut, where the only other realistic option at the time was to abandon some or all of them, which was politically unacceptable given Republican control of the White House and the Senate.

Actions should be taken as soon as possible, especially when they must be phased in, as it is a truism that a little action early will have a larger impact later.

This trust fund is now coming due, with the expectation that shortfalls in Social Security payroll taxes will be covered by both income from interest income from the Social Security trust fund and eventually revenue from the general fund. The cash flow problem currently experienced by the Trust Fund is not the Trust Fund’s problem, but a problem for the Treasury to address, either through further borrowing – which will require a quick resolution to the debt limit extension or through higher taxes on those who received the lion’s share of the benefit’s from the tax cuts of 1981, 1986, 2001, 2003 and 2010. At some point, Congress must ignore the interests of its major donors (to both parties) and honor the bargain it made to shore up the trust fund. This is entirely appropriate, given the fact that much of the Trust Fund was built up in order to preserve the income tax cuts of 1981.

As luck would have it, adequate personal income tax increases to finance repaying the Trust Fund will occur automatically on January 1, 2013. This revenue profile, not current tax rates, must be considered the baseline on which any new bargain is formed.

The complication, and there are always complications, is that low tax rates enacted on capital gains, income and dividends during the Clinton and Bush administrations have created two asset based recessions, the first in the technology sector and the second in housing.

The recent recession is more accurately described as a Depression, since the financing of the real estate bubble has still not been resolved, even while economic growth numbers have begun to rebound. This new has both temporary and permanent effects on the trust fund’s cash flow. The temporary effect is a decline in revenue caused by a slower economy and the temporary cut in payroll tax rates to provide stimulus.

The permanent effect is the early retirement of many who had planned to work longer, but because of the recent recession and slow recovery, this cohort has decided to leave the labor force for good when their extended unemployment ran out. This cohort is the older 99ers who need some kind of income now. The combination of age discrimination and the ability to retire has led them to the decision to retire before they had planned to do so, which impacts the cash flow of the trust fund, but not the overall payout (as lower benefit levels offset the impact of the decision to retire early on their total retirement cost to the system).

It would be entirely inappropriate to renege on promises to the baby boomers to fund further income tax cuts by further extending the retirement age, cutting promised Medicare benefits or by enacting an across the board increase to the OASI payroll tax as a way to subsidize current spending or tax cuts. The current fiscal crisis should not be an excuse to use regressive Old Age and Survivors Insurance payroll taxes to subsidize continued tax cuts on the top 20% of wage earners who pay the majority of income taxes. Retirement on Social Security for those at the lowest levels is still inadequate. Any change to the program should, in time, allow a more comfortable standard of living in retirement.

The ultimate cause of the trust fund’s long term difficulties is not financial but demographic. Thus, the solution must also be demographic – both in terms of population size and income distribution. The largest demographic problem facing Social Security and the health care entitlements, Medicare and Medicaid, is the aging of the population. In the long term, the only solution for that aging is to provide a decent income for every family through more generous tax benefits.

The free market will not provide this support without such assistance, preferring instead to hire employees as cheaply as possible. Only an explicit subsidy for family size overcomes this market failure, leading to a reverse of the aging crisis.

The recommendations for raising net income are within the context of comprehensive tax reform, where the first 25-28 percent of personal income tax rates, the corporate income tax, unemployment insurance taxes, the Hospital Insurance payroll tax, the Disability Insurance payroll tax and the portion of the Survivors Insurance payroll tax funding survivors under the age of 60 have been subsumed by a Value Added Tax (VAT) and a Net Business Receipts Tax (where the net includes all value added, including wages and salaries).

Net income would be adjusted upward by the amount of the VAT percentage and an increased child tax credit of $500 per child per month. This credit would replace the earned income tax credit, the exemption for children, the current child tax credit, the mortgage interest deduction and the property tax deduction. This will lead employers to decrease base wages generally so that the average family with children and at an average income level would see no change in wage, while wages would go up for lower income families with more children and down for high income earners without children.

Gross income would be adjusted by the amount of tax withholding transferred from the employee to the employer, after first adjusting net income to reflect the amount of tax benefits lost due to the end of the home mortgage and property tax deductions.

This shift in tax benefits is entirely paid for and it would not decrease the support provided in the tax code to the housing sector – although it would change the mix of support provided because the need for larger housing is the largest expense faced by growing families. Indeed, this reform will likely increase support for the housing sector, as there is some doubt in the community of tax analysts as to whether the home mortgage deduction impacted the purchase of housing, including second homes, by wealthier taxpayers.

Within twenty years, a larger number of children born translates into more workers, who in another decade will attain levels of productivity large enough to reverse the demographic time bomb faced by Social Security in the long term.

Such an approach is superior to proposals to enact personal savings accounts as an addition to Social Security, as such accounts implicitly rely on profits from overseas labor to fund the dividends required to fill the hole caused by the aging crisis. This approach cannot succeed, however, as newly industrialized workers always develop into consumers who demand more income, leaving less for dividends to finance American retirements. The answer must come from solving the demographic problem at home, rather than relying on development abroad.

This proposal will also reduce the need for poor families to resort to abortion services in the event of an unplanned pregnancy. Indeed, if state governments were to follow suit in increasing child tax benefits as part of coordinated tax reform, most family planning activities would be to increase, rather than prevent, pregnancy. It is my hope that this fact is not lost on the Pro-Life Community, who should score support for this plan as an essential vote in maintaining a perfect pro-life voter rating.

Obviously, this proposal would remove both the mortgage interest deduction and the property tax deduction from the mix of proposals for decreasing tax rates while reducing the deficit. This effectively ends the notion that deficit finance can be attained in the short and medium term through tax reforms where the base is broadened and rates are reduced. The only alternatives left are a generalized tax increase (which is probably necessary to finance future health care needs) and allowing tax rates for high income individuals to return to the levels already programmed in the law as of January 1, 2013. In this regard, gridlock is the friend of deficit reduction. Should the President show a willingness to let all rates rise to these levels, there is literally no way to force him to accept anything other than higher rates for the wealthy.

Thank you for the opportunity to address the committee.  We are, of course, available for direct testimony or to answer questions by members and staff.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tax Reform: What It Could Mean for Tribes and Territories

Comments for the Record
 Senate Finance Committee
 Tax Reform: What It Could Mean for Tribes and Territories
 Tuesday, May 15, 2012, 10:00 AM
 By Michael G. Bindner
Center for Fiscal Equity

Chairman Baucus and Ranking Member Hatch, thank you for the opportunity to submit these comments for the record to the Senate Finance Committee. As always, our comments are in the context of our four part tax reform plan:

  • A Value Added Tax (VAT) to fund domestic military spending and domestic discretionary spending with a rate between 10% and 13%, which makes sure very American pays something.
  • Personal income surtaxes on joint and widowed filers with net annual incomes of $100,000 and single filers earning $50,000 per year to fund net interest payments, debt retirement and overseas and strategic military spending and other international spending, with graduated rates between 5% and 25% in either 5% or 10% increments. Heirs would also pay taxes on distributions from estates, but not the assets themselves, with distributions from sales to a qualified ESOP continuing to be exempt.
  • Employee contributions to Old Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) with a lower income cap, which allows for lower payment levels to wealthier retirees without making bend points more progressive.
  • A VAT-like Net Business Receipts Tax (NBRT), which is essentially a subtraction VAT with additional tax expenditures for family support, health care and the private delivery of governmental services, to fund entitlement spending and replace income tax filing for most people (including people who file without paying), the corporate income tax, business tax filing through individual income taxes and the employer contribution to OASI, all payroll taxes for hospital insurance, disability insurance, unemployment insurance and survivors under age 60.
The effects on various tribes and territories will vary. We will address each in turn. OASI provisions are, of course, not relevant to this analysis.
Native American tribes will be affected in the same manner as states. To the extent that they have a tribal tax system, they will likely bring it into conformity with the federal system. Tribes which exist mainly on casino revenue, where members pay no direct taxes, can still benefit from harmonizing with the federal tax reforms we outline here. This is especially the case if an NBRT is adopted with offsets for employers who perform or fund social welfare functions in lieu of payment of taxes.

Our proposal replaces TANF with privately or publicly provided adult education, with participants funded at the minimum wage and receiving the same refundable child tax credit as workers, along with the same health plan as employees of the provider organization. This feature could also be used to replace Tribal TANF, allowing participants to achieve real education rather than job training for low wage work. This is especially the case if program participants can then transition into either technical education or even college – where the employer pays a wage while paying tuition in exchange for both a NBRT credit and a work requirement/student loan.

High income surtaxes may or may not be used, based on tribal debt loads. Use of a VAT will be entirely based on the circumstances of the tribe, although we expect that a federal VAT, which will likely apply to both commerce and gambling, will be used by tribal governments. In addition, because the purchase of gambling tokens will be covered by VAT, winnings need not be, although we expect that the tribal casinos will follow federal policy toward gambling winnings as a whole. To the extent that federal income taxes are owed on gambling winnings for high income earners at non-tribal casinos, they will likely be federally taxable if won from tribal casinos. If a VAT is serious considered, we expect separate hearings on this question of gambling winnings.

Territorial governments, not including the District of Columbia, are not taxed and will therefore be under no obligation to enact tax reform to conform to federal law. As with tribal governments, however, they may enact such reforms as the NBRT in order to harmonize social welfare system delivery with state programs and replace any territorial income tax for non-high earners with the VAT/NBRT proposals outlined in our plan. The District of Columbia government will benefit greatly from a shift from an income tax based system to a consumption tax based system, provided it is treated in the same way as the several states for purposes of payments in lieu of taxes for NBRT revenue that would otherwise be owed to them for federal payroll, especially in regard to payments to neighboring jurisdictions whose employees cross state lines to work.

To not treat the District equally in this regard would give an undue subsidy to the Commonwealth of Virginia and the State of Maryland and would prolong the District’s colonial status. Settling this issue in the same way it is settled for all other cross-border workers will remove the thorniest obstacle to statehood for New Columbia (along with first offering Maryland a chance to reclaim territory not retained by the residual District of Columbia – which should only include the Capitol grounds and office buildings where staff members can file state income taxes (and presumably NBRT PILT payments) in the member’s home state. The remainder of the federal core should be part of New Columbia, including military bases, so that military members cannot claim the three electoral votes provided for in the 23rd Amendment.
If federal operations are treated as if they were non-profit companies, than VAT would not be paid on them by either the states or the District of Columbia. Commercial operations would, of course, be VAT eligible at the local level for purposes of state, District and federal taxation. High-income taxation will be changed in exactly the same way as any other state which practices fiscal conformity.

Thank you for the opportunity to address the committee. We are, of course, available for direct testimony or to answer questions by members and staff.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Medicare Physician Payments

Comments for the Record
United States Senate
Committee on Finance
Roundtable Discussion on "Medicare Physician Payments:
Understanding the Past so We Can Envision the Future"
Thursday, May 10, 2012, 10:00 AM
215 Dirksen Senate Office Building

by Michael G. Bindner
The Center for Fiscal Equity

Chairman Baucus and Ranking Member Hatch, thank you for the opportunity to submit my comments on this topic. This topic is key to the question of the affordability of health care entitlements. It is useful to compare the impact of how provider limits have been dealt with between the Medicare and Medicaid programs.

Medicare provider cuts under current law have been suspended for over a decade, the consequence of which is adequate care. By way of comparison, Medicaid provider cuts have been strictly enforced, which has caused most providers to no longer see Medicaid patients, driving them to hospital emergency rooms and free clinics with long waiting periods to get care.

The Affordable Care Act works toward increasing funds for Medicaid providers, which is necessary to get people out of emergency rooms. The same act, however, counted on assuming that Medicare provider cuts would be implemented – a heroic assumption – in order to pass according to budget rules. Now that the Act is passed, however, the fiction that current law will be maintained can be dispensed with.

Parity between Medicare and Medicaid is desirable, although without mandatory sick leave, it will not keep poor people from having to use emergency room care, although it will benefit nursing home patients who will be able to see a doctor without hospitalization.

Separating Medicaid into a program for retirees and a program for the non-retired working and non-working poor will allow the retiree program to be fully federalized and managed with Medicare, rather than the separate management that occurs now under CMMS, which is part of the problem. That simple step will add clarity to this issue.

There are many ways of achieving parity, however great care must be used so that these don’t constitute a race to the bottom. Cost shifting should not be used as a substitute for cost saving, especially if such shifting violates the tenants of social insurance.

The whole purpose of social insurance is to prevent the imposition of unearned costs and payment of unearned benefits by not only the beneficiaries, but also their families. Cuts which cause patients to pick up the slack favor richer patients, richer children and grand children, patients with larger families and families whose parents and grandparents are already deceased, given that the alternative is higher taxes on each working member. Such cuts would be an undue burden on poorer retirees without savings, poor families, small families with fewer children or with surviving parents, grandparents and (to add insult to injury) in-laws.

Recent history shows what happens when benefit levels are cut too drastically. Prior to the passage of Medicare Part D, provider cuts did take place in Medicare Advantage (as they have recently). Utilization went down until the act made providers whole and went a bit too far the other way by adding bonuses (which were reversed in the Affordable Care Act). There is a middle ground and the Subcommittee’s job is to find it.

Resorting to premium support, along with the repeal of the ACA, have been suggested to save costs. Without the ACA pre-existing condition reforms, mandates and insurance exchanges, however, premium support will not work because people will have no assurance of affordable coverage. This, of course, assumes that private insurance survives the imposition of pre-existing condition reforms. If it does not, the question of both premium support and the adequacy of provider payments is moot, since if private insurance fails the only alternatives are single-payer insurance and a pre-emptive repeal of mandates and protections in favor of a subsidized public option. The funding of either single-payer or a public option subsidy will dwarf the requirement to fund adequate provider payments in Medicare and Medicaid.

Resorting to single-payer catastrophic insurance with health savings accounts would not work as advertised, as health care is not a normal good. People will obtain health care upon doctor recommendations, regardless of their ability to pay. Providers will then shoulder the burden of waiting for health savings account balances to accumulate – further encouraging provider consolidation. Existing trends toward provider consolidation will exacerbate these problems, because patients will lack options once they are in a network, giving funders little option other than paying up as demanded.

Shifting to more public funding of health care in response to future events is neither good nor bad. Rather, the success of such funding depends upon its adequacy and its impact on the quality of care – with inadequate funding and quality being related.

Ultimately, fixing health care reform will require more funding, probably some kind of employer payroll or net business receipts tax – which would also fund the shortfall in Medicare and Medicaid (and take over most of their public revenue funding).

We will now move to an analysis of funding options and their impact on patient care and cost control.

The committee well understands the ins and outs of increasing the payroll tax, so we will confine our remarks to a fuller explanation of Net Business Receipts Taxes (NBRT). Its base is similar to a Value Added Tax (VAT), but not identical.

Unlike a VAT, an NBRT would not be visible on receipts and should not be zero rated at the border – nor should it be applied to imports. While both collect from consumers, the unit of analysis for the NBRT should be the business rather than the transaction. As such, its application should be universal – covering both public companies who currently file business income taxes and private companies who currently file their business expenses on individual returns.

The key difference between the two taxes is that the NBRT should be the vehicle for distributing tax benefits for families, particularly the Child Tax Credit, the Dependent Care Credit and the Health Insurance Exclusion, as well as any recently enacted credits or subsidies under the ACA. In the event the ACA is reformed, any additional subsidies or taxes should be taken against this tax (to pay for a public option or provide for catastrophic care and Health Savings Accounts and/or Flexible Spending Accounts).

The NBRT can provide an incentive for cost savings if we allow employers to offer services privately to both employees and retirees in exchange for a substantial tax benefit, either by providing insurance or hiring health care workers directly and building their own facilities. Employers who fund catastrophic care or operate nursing care facilities would get an even higher benefit, with the proviso that any care so provided be superior to the care available through Medicaid. Making employers responsible for most costs and for all cost savings allows them to use some market power to get lower rates, but no so much that the free market is destroyed.

This proposal is probably the most promising way to arrest health care costs from their current upward spiral – as employers who would be financially responsible for this care through taxes would have a real incentive to limit spending in a way that individual taxpayers simply do not have the means or incentive to exercise. While not all employers would participate, those who do would dramatically alter the market. In addition, a kind of beneficiary exchange could be established so that participating employers might trade credits for the funding of former employees who retired elsewhere, so that no one must pay unduly for the medical costs of workers who spent the majority of their careers in the service of other employers.

The NBRT would replace disability insurance, hospital insurance, the employer contribution to OASI, the corporate income tax, business income taxation through the personal income tax and the mid range of personal income tax collection, effectively lowering personal income taxes by 25% in most brackets.

Note that collection of this tax would lead to a reduction of gross wages, but not necessarily net wages – although larger families would receive a large wage bump, while wealthier families and childless families would likely receive a somewhat lower net wage due to loss of some tax subsidies and because reductions in income to make up for an increased tax benefit for families will likely be skewed to higher incomes. For this reason, a higher minimum wage is necessary so that lower wage workers are compensated with more than just their child tax benefits.

Thank you for the opportunity to address the committee. We are, of course, available for direct testimony or to answer questions by members and staff.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Banks Accused of Racial Bias on Foreclosed Homes

Banks Accused of Racial Bias on Foreclosed Homes  I don't think this is news to anybody. It is another reason that Obama needs to take action to bring about principal reduction for underwater borrowers, especially when Freddie and Fannie own the paper. This paper needs to be sold to the Federal Reserve for book value and then marked to market value, with paymetns and balances adjusted accordinly. If Obama won't do this, someone else will (like me).